The uniform key-value API for SQL and NOSQL databases with Node.js

Seemlessly integrate with one or more databases.

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Using Multiple Databases

If multiple databases are configured, the reading and writing behave as if it is a caching system. When writing to RedKV, the key-value pair gets to write to all databases. When getting a key, RedKV sequentially tries a database from the front of the list, moves on to the next database if the key was not found, and stops until the key is found in a database. After that, the key-value pair is filled to all the databases in front of the list, up to the database where the key is actually found, just like filling a cache.

Example: Redis-Cached DynamoDB KV Store
let kvStore = new RedKV();
kvStore.addStore('dynamodb', {
        region: "us-east-1",
        endpoint: "",
        tableName:  'dev.calculator'

Simple API Returning Promises

.set(key, value)

Sets a key-value pair to the store. Returns a Promise which resolves if succeeded.


Gets a Promise which resolves to the value of the key or null.


Returns a Promise which resolves to a bool indicating if the key exists.


Deletes the key. Promise resolves after finishing.

Supported databases


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MIT licensed. Download from npm:

npm -i redkv